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Category: Festivals

A Prayer and a Commandment

A Prayer and a Commandment

כי תעביר ממשלת זדון מן הארץ                                                                      צדק צדק תרדוף “Justice, Justice pursue”                   “Remove the wicked kingdom from the earth” “Remove the wicked kingdom from the earth” is one the many supplications that we offer during the High Holidays. It articulates hope for a redeemed world, for a new dispensation in which primal goodness is restored and all life is realigned with H’. Its envisages a new age, though one whose fulfillment is not possible within the familiar…

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Coming Back, Going Forward

Coming Back, Going Forward

הֲשִׁיבֵנוּ יְהֹוָה אֵלֶיךָ וְנָשׁוּבָה Hashiveinu, H’, veNashuvah “Bring us back to you, H’, and we will return” [Lamentations 5:21, Regular prayers, with special significance on the High Holidays] Hashiveinu (“Bring us back”) is a call for input from beyond, asking for an affirmation, hoping for a sign, some kind of spiritual experience: Bring us back, awaken us, remind us, shine your light upon us, show us your face. veNashuvah (“and we will return”) is the daily work, integrating the experience:…

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The Alchemist’s Haggadah

The Alchemist’s Haggadah

Selections from a Commentary on the Haggadah My incomplete commentary, which will never be completed, is now online again. First appeared in Conservative Judaism, Vol. XLII, no. 2, (with a different name) and subsequently in several other places.